101 Questions on the Sanctuary and on Ellen White


94. Ellen White Gives Final Approval

How can one be sure that the work of Marian Davis and Ellen White’s other literary helpers truly represented Ellen White’s wishes? QSEW 102.4

While the chapters for each book were being prepared, Ellen White was constantly consulted, and when the work was completed, she gave it her final approval. QSEW 103.1

At the age of 75 she explained her work to her non-Adventist sister, Mary: QSEW 103.2

“Now, my sister, do not think that I have forgotten you; for I have not. You know that I have books to make. My last effort is a book on true education. The writing of this book has been very trying to me, but it is nearly finished. I am now completing the last chapter. This book will not have in it so much matter as there is in some of my larger works, but the instruction it contains is important. I feel the need of help from God continually. QSEW 103.3

“I am still as active as ever. I am not in the least decrepit. I am able to do much work, writing and speaking as I did years ago. QSEW 103.4

“I read over all that is copied, to see that everything is as it should be. I read all the book manuscript before it is sent to the printer. So you can see that my time must be fully occupied.”—Letter 133, 1902. QSEW 103.5