101 Questions on the Sanctuary and on Ellen White


87. Only Ellen White’s Thoughts Used

Did any of her secretaries ever presume to add their own thoughts, contrary to Ellen White’s instruction? QSEW 88.5

D. E. Robinson says No. Here is his testimony: QSEW 88.6

“Inasmuch as reports and rumors are current to the effect that Mrs. white’s helpers were responsible for many of the thoughts, or at least for the beautiful literary style of some of her books, and as many who hear these reports are not in a position to know the facts for themselves, I feel it a privilege to testify of what I have seen and do know regarding this matter.” QSEW 88.7

“Through later years, it was my privilege to receive for editing hundreds of pages of manuscripts written by Mrs. White, also to assist the other secretaries in preparing copy for articles in the papers and for some of the later books. In all good conscience I can testify that never was I presumptuous enough to add any ideas of my own, or to do other than to follow with most scrupulous care the thoughts of the author. And my observation of the work of my associate secretaries, as well as my confidence in their integrity makes me refuse to believe that any of them changed her writings, other than to make them grammatical, or perhaps to make transpositions for rhetorical effect, for clearness of thought, or for emphasis.”—D. E. Robinson, How the Books of Mrs. E. G. White Were Prepared, pages 1-3, White Estate Document File 107g. QSEW 88.8