101 Questions on the Sanctuary and on Ellen White


85. Ellen White’s Literary Assistants

Who were Ellen White’s “literary assistants”? QSEW 87.5

Ellen White was instructed as to whom she could trust and who were not trustworthy. Among those who helped Ellen White in preparing her writings for publication over the years were James White, Mary Kelsey-White, Lucinda Abbey-Hall, Adelia Patten-Van Horn, Anna Driscall-Loughborough, Addie Howe-Cogshall, Annie Hale-Royce, Emma Sturges-Prescott, Mary Clough-Watson, Mrs. J. I. Ings, Mrs. B. L. Mitney, Eliza Burnham, Fannie Bolton, Marian Davis, C. C. Crisler, Minnie Hawkins-Crisler, Maggie Hare, Sarah Peck, and D. E. Robinson. QSEW 87.6

Probably Mrs. White’s most notable assistant was Marian Davis, who worked for her from 1879 to 1904. She assisted in preparing for publication Spirit of Prophecy, Volume 4; Historical Sketches of SDA Foreign Missions; The Great Controversy; Patriarchs and Prophets; Steps to Christ; The Desire of Ages; Christ’s Object Lessons; Education; The Ministry of Healing, and other books. C. C. Crisler and several of the lady secretaries assisted Ellen White in selecting and arranging material for Acts of the Apostles; Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students; Gospel Workers; and Prophets and Kings. (See Selected Messages 1:50; Selected Messages 3:453-461 for other details.) QSEW 87.7