101 Questions on the Sanctuary and on Ellen White


40. The Appearance of the Heavenly Sanctuary

What is known of the appearance of the heavenly sanctuary? QSEW 30.4

The two apartments of the earthly sanctuary were “earthly reproductions of heavenly realities.” They were “only a symbol of the reality,” “only a copy and shadow of the heavenly” (Hebrews 9:23, Phillips; Hebrews 9:24; 8:5, New English Bible). A shadow of a tree or building gives some information, but no precise details. Ellen White states: QSEW 30.5

“The heavenly temple, the abiding place of the King of kings, Where ‘thousand thousands ministered unto Him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before Him’ (Daniel 7:10), that temple filled with the glory of the eternal throne, where seraphim, its shining guardians, veil their faces in adoration-no earthly structure could represent its vastness and its glory. Yet important truths concerning the heavenly sanctuary and the great work there carried forward for man’s redemption were to be taught by the earthly sanctuary and its services.”—Patriarchs and Prophets, 357. QSEW 30.6