Doctrinal Development, Authority, and Ellen White
J. N. Andrews. “Our Use of the Visions of Sister White,” The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, Feb. 15, 1870. DDAEW 8.1
Joseph Bates. “Time to Commence the Holy Sabbath,” The Review and Herald, April 21, 1851. DDAEW 8.2
J. N. Andrews. “Time for Commencing the Sabbath,” The Review and Herald, December 4, 1855. DDAEW 8.3
G. I. Butler. “Visions and Prophecy—Have They Been Manifested Among Seventh-day Adventists?” The Review and Herald, June 9, 1874. DDAEW 8.4
O. R. L. Crosier. 1 “The Sanctuary,” Day Dawn, 1845. 2. “The Law of Moses,” The Day-Star, February 7, 1846. DDAEW 8.5
General Conference. “The Inspiration and Authority of the Ellen G. White Writings,” A Statement of Present Understanding, The Ministry, Feb., 1983. DDAEW 8.6
C. S. Lewis. Mere Christianity DDAEW 8.7
Bernard Ramm. The Pattern of Religious Authority DDAEW 8.8
Uriah Smith. “Do We Discard the Bible by Endorsing the Visions?” The Review and Herald, January 13, 1863. DDAEW 8.9
Ellen White. 1 Early Writings. The Great Controversy Introduction. 3 Life Sketches. 4 Testimonies to Ministers. 5 Manuscript 135, 1903. 6 Manuscript 46, 1904. 7 Selected Messages, book 1. 8 Spiritual Gifts, vol. 2. 9 Testimonies for the Church, vols. 1, 4 DDAEW 8.10
James White. “Conference Address,” The Review and Herald, July 24, 1856. Editorial, The Review and Herald, February 25, 1868. A Word to the Little Flock DDAEW 8.11