A Critique of the Book Prophetess of Health
Illness of Health Reformers
Prophetess of Health on pages 85 and 96 discusses the illnesses of the early health reformers. The account of James White’s stroke and recovery appearing on pages 96-101 is quite accurate. Ellen White’s recital on the restoration of James White’s health is presented in the W. P. Bradley postscript, pp. 91, 92. CBPH 57.13
Ellen White wrote glowingly of the benefits of health reform in Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 4, published in August, 1864. Her health had “never been better” (see pages 153-154). CBPH 57.14
James White in reporting their visit to Dansville in September 1864 explained that they “were enjoying better health than usual,” and the object of their visit was “not to take treatment” (How to Live, No. 1, p. 12). But James did have a break in health a year later—in August 1865. Ellen explains the reasons for his presumption, which led to a break in his health: CBPH 57.15
The reform my husband had made in his diet previous to his sickness, [the September, 1865 stroke] had a very beneficial influence upon his health. His head was generally free from pain and never felt clearer. By eating no meat, but grains, fruits, and vegetables, simply cooked, his appetite was good, and he partook of his food with a keen relish. His brain felt so clear that he thought it safe for him to labor on, trusting much to the beneficial influence of his simple diet; and in addition to the labors and burdens he had hitherto borne, he added the Health Reform—making extra efforts to teach Sabbathkeeping Adventists how to live to preserve health and enjoy the blessing of God.—Ms 1, 1866. CBPH 57.16
As to other suffering Adventists, it must be remembered that it takes time for changes to be made. Ellen White’s vision was published in August 1864. The summer of 1865 marked the low point in health of a number of workers. It could hardly be expected that the full fruitage of health reform would be seen so soon. CBPH 57.17
It was not long, however, till the Review and the Health Reformer carried the testimony of many who greatly benefited. CBPH 57.18