A Critique of the Book Prophetess of Health


The American Costume and the Reform Dress

Prophetess of Health on page 91 introduces Ellen White’s reaction to: “The American Costume” consisting of “short skirts over pants worn by Dr. Harriet Austin and the other women of Our Home.” It is said that this “caught Ellen’s fancy.” CBPH 57.3

In Chapter Six, “Short Skirts and Sex,“ it is said that Ellen White, while having condemned the American Costume when she made her first visit to Dansville, “began having second thoughts about the reform dress” (p. 125). CBPH 57.4

What is not stated is that a reform in dress was a part of the June 6, 1863, vision. James White makes reference to this in his 1870 retrospective statement: CBPH 57.5

“When the Lord saw that we were able to bear it, light was given relative to food and dress” (The Review and Herald, November 8, 1870, 36:165). (Emphasis supplied.) CBPH 57.6

Ellen White in her September 14, 1864, letter to W. M. Lockwood after referring to the styles of dress worn at Dansville stated, “I am going to get up a style of dress on my own hook which will accord perfectly with that which has been shown me” (Letter 6, 1864, quoted in Appendix D). (Emphasis supplied.) CBPH 57.7

In her October 8, 1867, Review and Herald article answering questions (see appendix A) she describes the attire of three groups of women that passed before her in the vision. Yet, “no one precise style” of dress was given to her “as the exact rule to guide all in their dress” (The Story of Our Health Message, 442). CBPH 57.8

Quite naturally, then, she observed with interest the dresses of the women at Dansville who were attempting reforms in female attire. She had both positive and negative reactions to the dress styles worn at Dansville. With the vision clearly in her mind, she determined to get out something she would have a part in designing. CBPH 57.9