A Critique of the Book Prophetess of Health
Value of Public Relation Agent
On page 179 of Prophetess of Health the activities of Mary Clough as publicity agent are discussed and it is stated that James White valued this exposure as worth over $10,000. The implication is that the publicity was worth $10,000 to Mrs. White herself. CBPH 85.5
Two sources are juxtaposed here in such a way that much of James White’s meaning is lost. White, in placing a value of $10,000 on the publicity was not referring to the publicity which Mrs. White personally received. He specifically mentioned information about SDA “history, movement, and doctrine,” as well as SDA institutions. It was the church as a whole which he felt received $10,000 worth of publicity (The Review and Herald, October 19, 1876, 48:124), not Mrs. White. CBPH 85.6