A Critique of the Book Prophetess of Health


Dr. Kellogg’s Help

Prophetess of Health claims on p. 176 that much of the so-called improvement in Ellen White’s dietary views was due to her contacts with Dr. Kellogg. He is supposed to have supplied her steadily with pertinent information which led her to take more and more mature positions on health reform. CBPH 84.4

There is no reliable evidence to support this contention. In the records of the White Estate, which includes the rather heavy correspondence between Dr. Kellogg and Ellen G. White, we have found nothing that sustains this charge. It is based solely on the reminiscences of one octogenarian who is quoting what another octogenarian told him forty years before. There is not one letter from Dr. Kellogg to Ellen White in which his influence on her health teachings can be demonstrated. The evidence all points in the other direction. Anyone who reads Dr. Kellogg’s introduction to Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene will discover that Kellogg gave Mrs. White the credit—through “the guidance of infinite wisdom”—for the health principles she enunciated. His statement made in 1892 on the question of her not being influenced, especially by him, is to the point. CBPH 84.5