A Critique of the Book Prophetess of Health


The Two-Meal System

As to the two-meal-a-day system it should be noted that Ellen White was never rigid on the question. The two statements in her basic 1864 article on health read: “Be satisfied with plain, simple food, eaten twice, or at most, three times a day” (4SG 129). “A second meal should never be eaten until the stomach has had time to rest from the labor of digesting the preceding meal. If a third meal be eaten at all, it should be light, and several hours before going to bed” (4SG 130). CBPH 75.16

In 1890 Ellen White wrote: Most people enjoy better health while eating two meals a day than three; others, under their existing circumstances, may require something to eat at suppertime; but this meal should be very light. Let no one think himself a criterion for all,—that every one must do exactly as he does. Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 58.—Counsels on Diet and Foods, 176. CBPH 75.17

Her 1905 Ministry of Healing statement reads: CBPH 75.18

“Most persons who give the plan a trial will find two meals a day are better than three.”—p. 304. CBPH 75.19

See Counsels on Diet and Foods, Section “Number of Meals,” pp. 173-1 78 for a representative presentation. CBPH 75.20

Although clearly advocated as a procedure which could be followed by many with benefit, certainly in the E. G. White writings on health the two-meals-a-day plan did not receive “equal billing” with the vegetarian diet. To the contrary, from the very first she allowed for differences on this question. CBPH 75.21

The book on page 160 states that the reason the Whites adopted the two meal a day system is unclear. However, there is no mystery here. Both of the statements quoted above were based on the June 6, 1863, vision. This was the source of her instruction on the advantage of two meals a day. In August 1864, in writing of their experience in adopting health reform, Ellen White declared: CBPH 75.22

Since the Lord presented before me in June, 1863, the subject of meat eating in relation to health, I have left the use of meat.... I have lived for eight months upon two meals a day.... My health has never been better than for the past six months.... I have more strength than I have realized for years.—4SG 153, 154. CBPH 76.1

This places the adoption of two meals a day in December, 1863. Unquestionably it was initiated by the health reform vision of June 1863. CBPH 76.2