A Critique of the Book Prophetess of Health
The Flight to Northern Michigan
In Prophetess of Health on page 137, Ellen White is said to have withdrawn to northern Michigan because she had been deserted by her friends in Battle Creek. In none of the sources, contemporary or later, relating to the sojourn of the Whites in Wright, Michigan, in late 1866 and early 1867, is there a hint that the journey was made because of an adverse attitude toward the reform dress at Battle Creek and that she left there because she was deserted by her friends. CBPH 67.11
In a sketch of the experience, first published in 1867, she says: CBPH 67.12
Having become fully satisfied that my husband would not recover from his protracted sickness while remaining inactive, and that the time had fully come for me to go forth and bear my testimony to the people, I decided, contrary to the judgment and advice of the church in Battle Creek, of which we were members at the time, to venture a tour in northern Michigan, with my husband in his extremely feeble condition, in the severest cold of winter.—Testimonies for the Church 1:570. CBPH 67.13
In The Review and Herald, January 15, 1867, James White reports on the trip from Battle Creek to Wright, Michigan, beginning December 19. He makes no mention whatsoever of the reform dress. In a reminiscent account of the experience, written years later, Ellen White states: CBPH 67.14
Many years ago while my husband was bearing heavy responsibilities in Battle Creek, the strain began to tell on him. His health failed rapidly. Finally he broke down in mind and body, and was unable to do anything. My friends said to me, “Mrs. White, your husband cannot live.” I determined to remove him to a place more favorable for his recovery. His mother said, “Ellen, you must remain and take care of your family.” “Mother,” I replied, “I will never allow that masterly brain to fail entirely. I will work with God, and God will work with me, to save my husband’s brain.” In order to obtain means for our journey I pulled up my rag carpets and sold them.... I bought a covered wagon and prepared for the journey, placing in the wagon a mattress for father to lie on.—Selected Messages 2:306. CBPH 68.1
The available evidence indicates that the trip was made because of James White’s poor health. Prophetess of Health’s account is speculative, an assumption based on the coincidence of the events, not on direct evidence. CBPH 68.2