Can All Be Prophets?

Chapter 6—A Caution to Elder A. T. Jones

“You cannot be too careful how you talk of the gift of prophesying, and state that I have said this and that in reference to this matter. Such statements, I well know, encourage men and women and children to imagine that they have special light in revelations from God, when they have not received such light. This I have been shown, would be one of Satan’s masterpieces of deception. You are giving to the work a mold which it will take precious time and wearing soul labor to correct, to save the cause of God from another spasm of fanaticism.”—E. G. White Letter 103, 1894, (March 15, 1894), published in Selected Messages 2:86. CABP 2.6

Ellen G. White Estate
Washington, D. C.
November 5, 1969.
Retyped, March, 1989