Ellen G. White’s Use Of The Term “Race War”, and Related Insights
Appendix A—“Our Duty To The Colored People”
This message has been recognized for its signal effect on the Adventist Church and its work in the South. It is one of the most significant and revealing of Ellen White’s messages on the race question. It also was one of the key factors that motivated and instructed James Edson White in his work for the blacks in the South. As stated in Mission to Black America, Edson found a copy of this message on the floor in the former room of the International Tract Society in the Review and Herald building in Battle Creek, Michigan (pp. 17, 18). EGWUTRW 34.1
This message, entitled Our Duty to the Colored People, was prepared and delivered by Ellen White at the Battle Creek Tabernacle church to a group of church leaders in connection with a General Conference session March 21, 1891. After its delivery, “key men and the leading ministers in the South” were supplied with it. In light of the times it was a bold and significant message that was instrumental in giving the Southern work the initial boost, because at the time of its delivery in 1891 little work was being done for blacks in the South by the church as a whole. EGWUTRW 34.2
This message presents Ellen White as the reformer she was. Here she clearly set forth principles of racial equality and denominational impartiality that had been neglected. In this same message she seasoned her counsel with a sense of caution and prudence that was vital in light of the racial conditions of her times. EGWUTRW 34.3
The message in its entirety is found in The Southern Work, 9-18. EGWUTRW 34.4