Ellen G. White and the Shut Door Question


Ellen White Looks Back to Soul-Winning Work from 1845 On

Two exhibits of later vintage will be in place here, presenting Ellen White’s memory of soul-winning work from the beginning of her ministry. Note these: EGWSDQ 45.6

Looking Back in 1886. EGWSDQ 45.7

I speak because I know what I am talking about. For more than forty years I have stood in the desk proclaiming salvation to sinners, and my heart has yearned over them. God has opened before me the glory of Heaven, and I have obtained a sight of the majesty and glory of my Redeemer. I have obtained a sight of the angels in glory. EGWSDQ 45.8

I was very young when the physicians said, “You must die, you cannot live more than three months.” It was then that God gave me a sight of His glory, and said, “Go proclaim the message I give you, to the people.” I started out in my weakness. I could hardly stand. I had not spoken aloud for weeks, but when I stood before the people, God’s power came upon me. Voice was given me and I talked from two to three hours with clearness. But when I had finished, my voice again was gone. EGWSDQ 45.9

I traveled for three months in this way and then the pain of the lungs ceased, and ever since I have been doing the work which the Master has given me to do. I have traveled and labored and God has given me strength to continue unto this day.—Ms 6a, 1886, (Sermon at Orebro, Sweden, Sunday, June 27, 1886, emphasis supplied). EGWSDQ 46.1

Looking Back in 1906 to 1845 and 1846. EGWSDQ 46.2

I spoke in the Sanitarium chapel yesterday, [March 24, 1906] and related some of our experiences in connection with the beginning of our work. I spoke of my conversion, and of how I traveled for months, unable to speak except in a low, husky voice.... EGWSDQ 46.3

The Lord worked with us wherever we went. His glory was in every meeting. I was so blessed, and God worked so wondrously by His Holy Spirit, that I had not the least excuse to doubt that the Lord had chosen me, young as I was, to communicate to others the light given me. The opposition that came, whether from high or low, had no impression upon my mind. Evidence was constantly given that dispelled doubt. Many souls confessed their sins and were converted. EGWSDQ 46.4

Soon after the beginning of my work, Elder James White and I were married.—Letter 102, 1906, (to Mrs. Nellie H. Druillard, written March 25, 1906. Emphasis supplied.). EGWSDQ 46.5