Ellen G. White and the Shut Door Question
Significance of the Time of Publication of the Early Visions
While we speak of Ellen Harmon’s first vision being given in 1844 and the response in early 1845, and while we speak of the vision given to her in Exeter, Maine, in mid-February, 1845, and of its fruitage, we must keep clearly in mind that in this perplexing and confusing period, neither of these visions was printed until a full year after they were received by Ellen Harmon and their influence was quite limited through the year 1845. EGWSDQ 27.2
As the first vision was published initially in the Day Star of January 24, 1846, 4 and the vision given at Exeter in February, 1845, was published on March 14, 1846—in both cases this was months after the experience at Paris, Maine, reported by Mrs. Truesdail. EGWSDQ 27.3