Ellen G. White and Her Critics


Archives of the Ellen G. White Publications, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Takoma Park, Washington, D.C. EGWC 690.8

This manuscript collection, coming from the E. G. White Estate, includes three groups: EGWC 690.9

1. The Ellen G. White Manuscript File, comprising (a) letters, and (b) other manuscripts, written by Ellen G. White, which are designated serially by letter numbers or manuscript numbers, as the case may be, under each year. EGWC 690.10

2. The Document File: miscellaneous historical documents, compilations, and reference material, listed under Document File numbers. EGWC 690.11

3. The Miscellaneous Correspondence File: letters received by Mrs. White and letters to and from members of her Office staff. EGWC 690.12

Edson, Hiram. Fragment of an undated manuscript on his life and experience, in the Advent Source Collection, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Washington, D.C. EGWC 690.13

This portion of his manuscript deals with his experience following the disappointment of October 22, 1844, and his new view of the sanctuary. EGWC 690.14

Miller, William. Letter to I. O. Orr, Dec. 13, 1844, in the Adventual Collection, Aurora College, Aurora, Ill. EGWC 690.15