Ellen G. White and Her Critics


5. Letter to Eli Curtis


In A Word to the “Little Flock,” pages 11, 12. EGWC 627.7

See Appendix D, pages 571, 572 for full text of this letter. EGWC 627.8

Comment on Deletion

The fact that this letter has been dropped out of all subsequent printings—wholly “suppressed”—has rarely, if ever, been the occasion of any indictment by critics. This is an interesting fact. Evidently critics are not really convinced in their own minds, or at least they do not believe they can bring convincing evidence to the minds of their readers, that there is anything evil, per se, in Mrs. White’s not reprinting something she has written. At most they can call attention only to the fact that this letter contains the statement that “Jesus rose up, and shut the door” in 1844. But they need not turn to the Eli Curtis letter to find this thought expressed. It is found in Mrs. White’s works currently in print! A fact which would seem to be a sufficient answer to any possible charge that “suppression” of abandoned beliefs is involved in the failure to reprint the Curtis letter. EGWC 627.9

However, the person who wishes to take the time to check the key words and phrases of this letter against the Index to the Writings of Mrs. E. G. White will find that all the main thoughts of that letter are found elsewhere in her writings. EGWC 628.1