Ellen G. White and Her Critics


The Anonymous 1907 Pamphlet

The next document that we have been able to find that bears on the matter, was published in October, 1907, in Battle Creek. It is an eighty-nine-page pamphlet. The preface states that “the major portion of this pamphlet was sent May 8, 1907, to W. C. White” with the request that he pass it on to his mother if he thought best to do so. As the subtitle of this pamphlet indicates, it treats of “contradictions, inconsistencies and other errors in her writings.” * We quote: EGWC 437.3

“I find upon inquiry that your work ‘Sketches from the Life of Paul,’ is no longer in print and can not be had. In conversation with a gentleman who was formerly a member of the Review and Herald Board, I found upon making inquiry that he was of the opinion that the publishers of the Conybeare and Howson’s book requested that the Review and Herald stop publishing your book for the reason that it contained so much material which was identical with and similar to that contained in Conybeare and Howson’s book. Whether or not this is a fact, I am not prepared to say, but this I do know, that the book is no longer published and that it is very difficult to obtain a copy.” EGWC 437.4

“It is now nearly a quarter of a century since this book was suppressed. Do you sanction the suppression of the writings of the Spirit of Prophecy?” EGWC 438.1