Ellen G. White and Her Critics


6. Publication of “Early Writings”

In 1882 there came from the Seventh-day Adventist presses a book bearing on its outside cover the title Early Writings. The contents consists of a reprint of the following: EGWC 271.1

a. The 1851, sixty-four-page pamphlet Experience and Views, to which is added a four-page appendix of new material. (See Early Writings, current edition, pp. 78-83.) EGWC 271.2

b. The forty-eight-page 1854, Supplement to ... Experience and Views. EGWC 271.3

c. Spiritual Gifts, volume 1, that had originally appeared in 1858. EGWC 271.4

The title page reads thus: EARLY WRITINGS OF MRS. WHITE.
Review and Herald: Battle Creek, Mich.
Pacific Press: Oakland, Cal.
EGWC 271.5

Each of the three parts of this edition of Early Writings is separately paged. The first two parts—Experience and Views and the Supplement—are introduced by a “Publishers’ Preface.” We quote it in full, because certain statements in it are the basis for grave charges by critics. EGWC 271.6

“The second edition of this little book appears in response to a long-standing wish, expressed by many, that it be published. ‘Experience and Views’ was first published in 1851, and all who were acquainted with the experience and labors of the author, as well as those especially interested in the cause in which she labored, supplied themselves therewith. But as the cause was young, only a small edition had been printed, and after a few years it was all sold. Other books were printed treating more fully many of the subjects presented in this, and it was not supposed that there would be a sufficient demand for this book to warrant its republication. As, however, the labors of Mrs. White have become more public and extended, a widespread interest has arisen in all her works, especially in these earlier views, and the call for the publication of a second edition has thus become imperative. EGWC 271.7

“For the above reason we are happy to present this book to the public at this time; and for still another reason we take peculiar pleasure in its republication. Our opponents have been wont to make loud claims that there was a desire and an ‘attempt to suppress these views, because the work has been so long out of print. The presence of this book will be a sufficient refutation of the groundless charge. EGWC 272.1

“Foot notes giving dates and explanations, and an appendix giving two very interesting dreams, which were mentioned but not related in the original work, will add to the value of this edition. Aside from these, no changes from the original work have been made in the present edition, except the occasional employment of a new word, or a change in the construction of a sentence, to better express the idea, and no portion of the work has been omitted. No shadow of change has been made in any idea or sentiment of the original work, and the verbal changes have been made under the author’s own eye, and with her full approval.—PUBLISHERS.”—Pages iii, iv. EGWC 272.2

This publishers’ preface is followed immediately by the preface which James White wrote in “August, 1851” for Experience and Views. The publishers entitled it “Preface to First Edition.” EGWC 272.3

The third section of Early WritingsSpiritual Gifts, Volume One—is introduced by a “Publishers’ Preface,” which reads in part, as follows: EGWC 272.4

“Volume one of ‘Spiritual Gifts,’ first published in 1858, has for some time been out of print, for the following reasons: Mrs. White’s views on the subjects here presented have since been more complete and full than at the time when this book was first printed. Many of these later views are written out and published in the new series entitled ‘Spirit of Prophecy,’ which was designed to take the place of the previous volumes. But it is now thought best to republish this, as here presented, for the reason that many desire to have the matter in this condensed form, and also because the range of subjects is much wider than has yet been presented in the volumes of ‘Spirit of Prophecy.’” EGWC 272.5