Ellen G. White’s Attitude Toward Her Work
26. The Visions and Their Relationship to Mrs. White’s Testimony
(a) Testimony—Direct account of single vision: “Aug. 24, 1850, I saw....”—Early Writings, 59. EGWATHW 12.11
(b) Testimony—Composite account of many visions. The Conflict Series: “From time to time I have been permitted to behold the working, in different ages, of the great controversy ...”—Great Controversy, “Introduction,” p. X. EGWATHW 12.12
(c) Testimony—Counsel based on a specific vision: “In the night of march 2, 1907, many things were revealed to me regarding the value of our publications.”—Testimonies for the Church 9:65. EGWATHW 13.1
(d) Testimony—Counsel based on a specific vision: “God has given me a testimony of reproof for parents who treat their children as you do your little one.”—Letter 1, 1877. EGWATHW 13.2
“This matter has been brought before my mind, in other cases, where individuals have claimed to have messages for the Seventh-day Adventist Church, of a similar character, and the word has been given me, ‘Believe them not.’”—Letter 16, 1893 (Selected Messages 2:63, 64). EGWATHW 13.3