Medical Ministry

The Privilege of Ministry

To the workers in our sanitariums I am instructed to say, Truth must be wisely, kindly, tenderly presented. In the fourteenth chapter of John there are precious lessons, valuable instruction, which should be appreciated by every child of God who desires to minister to others the comfort and grace of God. Let these lessons be impressed upon the mind; over and over again let them be repeated. MM 194.2

The Lord has brought us into possession of our health institutions that we may learn to bring to the sick, in the most attractive way, truths of heavenly origin. We must never lose sight of the fact that these institutions are instrumentalities in the hands of God for bringing the light of truth to those who are in darkness.... MM 194.3

In His work of ministry for the sick and afflicted, Christ stands before the world as the greatest Medical Missionary the world has ever known, and the pattern for every Christian missionary worker. He knew the right word to speak to each sufferer, and He spoke not only that which brought healing of body, but conviction of soul and spiritual enlightenment. He brought to the understanding of those who sought Him a knowledge of self, and of the soul's highest need. MM 194.4

Christ's discourses were the spiritual explanation of His ministry for the afflicted. He Himself was the great ideal of righteousness to those for whom He ministered. Thus He planted the seeds of truth in human hearts. MM 194.5

Prayer for the Sick

Often in the care of the suffering, much attention is given to minor matters, while the patients’ need of the great all-saving truths of the gospel, which would minister to both soul and body, is forgotten. When you neglect to offer prayer for the sick, you deprive them of great blessings; for angels of God are waiting to minister to these souls in response to your petitions. In every possible and pleasant way, those who know the truth should seek to reveal the power of the grace of Christ. As they exemplify truth in their daily walk and conversation, they will exert a holy influence, and the grace of Christ will cooperate with human effort. Working intelligently for the recovery of body and soul from the results of sin, they will be true workers together with Christ and will be instruments in His hands to show forth His praise and salvation. MM 195.1

The Saviour's Love to be Experienced

The exercise of wisdom and good judgment will accomplish much for God. As His servants work out the requirements of the gospel according to their ability, God will make them a praise to His name. He purposes that through the exemplification of the truth in the lives of His followers, souls shall be won to Him. MM 195.2

All who profess godliness and a knowledge of the truth for this time are to communicate the same to those with whom they associate. But the fullness of a Saviour's love is not expressed as decidedly as it should be, and as a result in places where a rich harvest might be gathered for God there is seen a dearth. “Found wanting” are the words written against the names of many who might have done a work that would have won the approval of heaven. There is needed, to unite with human effort and ability, a larger measure of the grace of Christ. MM 195.3

It is God's purpose that our health institutions shall become very effectual means for bringing souls to the light of truth. Much more should be done to encourage. Only when we do our best for the upbuilding of Christ's kingdom can the words be spoken to us, Well done, good and faithful servant. Only as we exemplify the Spirit of truth in our lives can Christ's Spirit work with us to convict hearts and convert souls to the gospel. MM 195.4

To Teach and to Comfort

Christ desires to work in many ways through the men of His appointment. Every worker in our sanitariums should regard himself as Christ's minister to teach and to comfort, to let the light shine forth in word and deed. Those who are blessed with the light of truth are to reflect light. In taking the name of Christ upon them they have pledged themselves to become laborers together with God, and a spirit of consecrated labor should be manifest in working out the Lord's plans. They are to go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature, presenting the beauty of His life in their own example of earnest, self-sacrificing labor. MM 196.1

I pray that the Holy Spirit may lend its sanctifying power to the workers in our institutions. My brethren and sisters, arouse, and become laborers together with Him who gave His life for the saving of the world. We must not lessen our efforts at this time. Christ asks you to labor with all the energies of heart and soul and mind. If you will lend the aid of your influence and effort to the work of Christ, angels will unite with you, making you a saving power for Christ.—Manuscript 57, 1912. MM 196.2