Ellen G. White’s Counsel and Practice on Tithe
The Tithe Distribution System
The worldwide work of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is jeopardized today when the tithe distribution system is tampered with in any way. Each conference collects the tithe from its constituent churches, keeps a specified amount, established by policy, to meet local ministerial expense needs, and sends the rest on to the union and the General Conference. Thus, the needs in other less affluent fields around the world can be met. EGWCPT 15.4
If Seventh-day Adventist church members divert their tithes, even to tithe-worthy projects at home or abroad, the basic reservoir to fund our world work will be endangered. It was this very situation that Ellen White had in mind when, in 1890, she admonished our church members and leaders: “Brethren, do not be unfaithful in your lot. Stand in your place. Do not, by your neglect of duty, increase our financial difficulties.” 45 EGWCPT 15.5
In 1911, the same year that the denomination instituted its retirement plan, Ellen White was approached as to her willingness to continue directly receiving tithe from church members. The pressure was now off, the original need was now virtually non-existent. Her reply is as helpful now as it was instructive then. EGWCPT 15.6
She wrote: “You ask if I will accept tithe from you and use it in the cause of God where most needed. In reply I will say that I shall not refuse to do this, but at the same time I will tell you that there is a better way. It is better to put confidence in the ministers of the conference where you live, and in the officers of the church where you worship. Draw nigh to your brethren.” 46 EGWCPT 15.7
In the spirit of the apostle Paul, who wrote the Corinthian church, “Yet show I unto you a more excellent way” (1 Corinthians 12:31), Ellen White urged her fellow church members to follow the plan that best meets the total world-wide needs of the church, to minimize shortfalls and their tragic consequences. Let us follow what Ellen White called “a better way.” Soon the church militant will give way to the church triumphant. In that day all who are now faithful will surely be glad that they have followed the whole counsel of the Lord. EGWCPT 15.8