Ellen G. White’s Counsel and Practice on Tithe
The Storehouse
Now, what about the “storehouse”? Malachi quotes God as instructing His people to bring all the tithes into the “storehouse” (Malachi 3:10). EGWCPT 11.2
A fair reading of Ellen White’s statements leads unquestionably to the conclusion that, in her mind, the church treasury was the store house of Malachi 3. She used the words “treasury” and “storehouse” as synonyms when she wrote, “If all the tithes were brought into the storehouse, God’s treasury would not be empty.” 26 Concerning the church treasury, she stated: “Many presidents of state conferences do not attend to that which is their work—to see that the elders and deacons of the churches do their work in the churches, by seeing that a faithful tithe is brought into the treasury.” 27 EGWCPT 11.3
Again, she declared: “If our churches will take their stand upon the Lord’s word and be faithful, paying their tithe into His treasury, more laborers will be encouraged to take up ministerial work.” 28 EGWCPT 11.4
Seventh-day Adventists hold as a fundamental belief that they are the remnant church referred to in Revelation 12:17. They are the church militant, not the church triumphant. The church militant is composed of both wheat and tares, but nevertheless it is the visible organization God is using to proclaim the three angels’ messages to the ends of the earth. EGWCPT 11.5
There is only one “storehouse” and that must be the organized church itself. This includes each local and union conference, as well as the General Conference. These are the three levels of the church where properly elected committees determine where tithe funds can best be spent. EGWCPT 11.6
It is essential that all branches of the church work together closely if we are to accomplish our mission. Mrs. White declares: “Some have advanced the thought that, as we near the close of time, every child of God will act independently of any religious organization. But I have been instructed by the Lord that in this work there is no such thing as every man’s being independent. The stars of heaven are all under law, each influencing the other to do the will of God, yielding their common obedience to the law that controls their action. And, in order that the Lord’s work may advance healthfully and solidly, His people must draw together.” 29 EGWCPT 11.7
We are not drawing together when we compete with one another for the tithe. Such a practice can only lead to a fracturing of our unity, and ultimately, a completely divided house. EGWCPT 11.8