The Salamanca Vision and the 1890 Diary

South Lancaster, Wednesday, October 22, 1890

I arose at about five. My mind was on a train of thought and I could not sleep until past midnight. I sought the Lord in prayer and then went to the morning meeting and spoke a short time in regard to the one hidden talent. SVD 11.7

I had an interview with Amos Prescott’s wife. In the afternoon read an article written 15 years ago and it was of deep interest to me…. SVD 11.8

Spoke in the morning meeting and also in the afternoon. Read letter written to some of our prominent brethren in 1875, then made some decided remarks which seemed to reach hearts. SVD 11.9

W. C. White, Sara McEnterfer, and I were invited to take dinner at the college home. I am pleased to see so many intelligent young men and women attending school. They have 105 students of the first class.—Ms. 42, 1890, p. 16 (Diary 16, pp. 242, 246). SVD 11.10