The Salamanca Vision and the 1890 Diary


A Letter to the General Conference President, December 15, 1890

Dear Brother Olsen: Our meeting at Danvers has closed. During the session I spoke five times, two evenings in the week and on Sabbath morning, at the missionary meeting held Sunday morning, and also on Sunday afternoon. I am satisfied beyond a doubt that the Lord has a message for me to bear to His people. I have felt the sustaining power of God as I have stood before the congregation, and I know that the power of God was working through the human agent. I know that many have received the word, and hungry souls have been fed. My heart is full of sympathy and love for the souls that are ready to die. Since the Brooklyn camp meeting I no longer talk of sickness and infirmity. I have never had such freedom from pain, and have not slept so well for 12 years. The peace of God abides in my heart.... SVD 44.6

We had a, most precious meeting in Lynn, but especially so at Danvers. Last Sabbath all in the house save two—an aged colored man and a poor timid soul who dared not make the move—came forward for prayer. The angel of God was in our midst. The ministers sought the Lord, and their supplications were heard in heaven.... SVD 44.7

After the severe trials and hard labor I have undergone in Battle Creek, only to be met with refusal to receive the message, this spirit refreshes my soul.... SVD 44.8

P. S. I was urged by our ministering brethren to return to Lynn and speak on Tuesday and Wednesday evening. I have consented to do this. Brother Fifield is doing all he can to get the people to the meetings on these two evenings. May the Lord move upon their hearts, is my prayer. On Thursday night we go to Boston, take the sleeper for Washington, and arrive in that city on Friday at eleven o’clock.—Letter 43, 1890, pp. 1-3, 7. SVD 44.9