The Salamanca Vision and the 1890 Diary


Brooklyn, New York, Thursday, November 13, 1890

We had the privilege of speaking to some I had met two years before when I visited Washington, and my heart rejoiced to see a goodly number who had embraced the truth since that time. Many noble, intelligent men and women pressed forward to take my hand, and expressed their pleasure in hearing me speak…. SVD 25.4

We found the cab waiting for us. We went directly from the meeting to the depot. Brother accompanied us to the city of New York. My son Willie left Wednesday night, in response to the second urgent request from Elder Olsen to meet him just as early as possible. I consented to have him leave the same night. He arrived in Washington at noon, twelve o’clock, and left at eleven o’clock at night. SVD 25.5

We were pleased to learn a train left about 10:00 p.m. My berth had been procured, and I had the privilege of resting in my berth. When we reached Baltimore the car we were in was filled with an offensive oil smell, combined with heavy smoke. I was afraid the fire-box [axle] was on fire and that this caused the smoke. We tarried some time in Baltimore, and I tried to keep my breathing organs covered so as not to take into my lungs the oppressive atmosphere that was almost stifling.—Ms. 46, 1890, pp. 2-3 (Diary 16, p. 313). SVD 25.6