Tithing Principles and Guidelines


Chapter 3—Suggested Answers To Questions

1. Government Criteria—For tithe purposes, should an individual follow government criteria in determining what is income? TithPG 33.1

Answer: Not necessarily. Governments may classify some allowances as nontaxable benefits. However, some of these allowances do benefit a person/family in a monetary way and thereby constitute a portion of personal income. TithPG 33.2

2. Adjusted Gross Income—Is adjusted gross income for tax purposes the same as personal income for tithe purposes? TithPG 33.3

Answer: Not always. There are some types of income that can be excluded for tax purposes but which are still personal income to the individual. TithPG 33.4

3. Non-Adventist Spouses—How should members who have non-Adventist spouses relate to tithe? TithPG 33.5

Answer: Income received by a member spouse from a non-member spouse should be tithed if possible. TithPG 33.6

4. Nursing Home Care—What is the tithe responsibility of persons whose nursing home care is being subsidized by government agencies and who only receive a small stipend for use at their discretion? TithPG 33.7

Answer: They would return tithe on the stipend only. (See Guideline III-H) TithPG 33.8

5. Denominational Employees—Should denominational employees return tithe on their full monthly remuneration? TithPG 34.1

Answer: Yes. Denominational remuneration includes allowances that are personal income, except to the extent that they are offset by actual job-related expenses. TithPG 34.2

6. Church Offices—Has the church altered its stand on faithful tithing as a requirement for holding church office? TithPG 34.3

Answer: No. “Conference workers and church elders and other officers and institutional leaders are to recognize that as a principle of leadership in God’s work, that a good example is to be set in the matter of returning tithe. No one shall be continued as either a church officer or conference worker who does not conform to this standard of leadership.” (Church Manual, p. 133) TithPG 34.4

General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

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