Special Testimonies, Series B


Series B, No. 19

Special Testimonies, Series B, No. 19, bearing the title, The Spirit of Sacrifice, was published in 1913. Its 40 pages are devoted to a presentation of matter from the E. G. White books and periodical articles, and some from her manuscript communications, dealing with the spirit of sacrifice which should govern institutional employees. See Counsels on Health, 299-318, for a good portion of this. STSB 7.5

This completes the list of pamphlets entitled Special Testimonies, Series B. I have taken pains to review in considerable detail the content of these nineteen pamphlets, for this in itself is very largely an explanation for the fact that they have not in their entirety and in their original form been continued in current publication, and it makes it clear that the fact that they have not been continued in current publication has not been in any sense an indication, or a desire on the part of anyone, to withhold from the field any testimony counsel which has been published. STSB 7.6

As is now plain to the reader, not a few of the articles which were incorporated in Special Testimonies, Series A and Special Testimonies, Series B became increasingly significant with the passage of time, and they found their way into later volumes of the Testimonies, particularly volumes 8 and 9. This also was so with counsel as it related to instruction to physicians and ministers, the spirit of unity, and warnings against the situation in Battle Creek, and the hazards of our young people going there for an education. Some of the more general articles, having to do with encouragement along medical missionary lines, found their way into Counsels on Health. Other of the materials of permanent, universal value to the church were also reprinted as noted. STSB 8.1

Testimonies to Ministers was published in the year 1923, in an endeavor to make available to all who wished to have it those portions of Special Testimonies, Series A and Special Testimonies, Series B, which would be of general, lasting value to the church and its workers. In saying this, we recognize, of course, that in any article presenting counsel and instruction, there are principles which are of universal value. But when the counsel is mainly in the framework of some local situation, either as to time or place, especially if it touches lines of counsel which are already well presented in the E. G. White books, it is considered as not being necessary for general circulation. A competent committee gave very careful study to each of the articles in both Series A and Series B of Special Testimonies, and selected those which they thought to be of a character to serve regardless of time or place. STSB 8.2

At that time very careful study was given to Special Testimonies, Series B, Nos. 2 and 7, but because they were dealing primarily with a situation in Battle Creek which had changed materially, and we were not confronted at all with the problems with which these articles in the main dealt with, they were not drawn from for Testimonies to Ministers. From time to time since then it has been suggested that these two Special Testimonies should be reprinted. In each case, a review of the matter leads to the same conclusion. They were prepared to meet a special situation. They were called Special Testimonies. Some of the articles are quite personal. Persons are named, and used in the restricted way intended when they were issued in the areas where the crisis existed, this was understood. They helped in meeting that situation. Decades have passed since that time. Most of our people are not at all familiar with the historical background, and to attempt to apply the counsels in any specific way today, which some would do, leads to a misuse of E. G. White materials, except the more general statements, and these are of a character no different than we find in the books which present the testimonies to the church. STSB 8.3

It has been reported that the Special Testimonies we have been discussing have been suppressed or are being withheld from the public, or that they have been destroyed to prevent their circulation. This is not true. The fact that certain materials issued as Special Testimonies to meet local or special situations are not continued in print for all time in their original form cannot be construed to constitute a suppression of such materials. In addition to including those articles of lasting general value to the church in permanent E. G. White books, we in our office have supplied copies of the original pamphlets until our stocks were exhausted. These have gone to either institutional libraries or to workers in key positions. Most of this was done many years ago when copies were more plentiful than they are now. Our appeal to all is to study carefully the abundance of counsel found in the many E. G. White books available today. STSB 8.4

Copies of Special Testimonies, Series A and Series B, in their entirety, are available today (1991) through Leaves of Autumn Books, Box 440, Payson, Arizona 84450. STSB 9.1

Ellen G. White Estate
Silver Spring, Maryland
originally written in March, 1962
revised June, 1991.