Special Testimonies, Series B


Series B, Nos. 12-14

Four other Special Testimony pamphlets dealing with problems of particular institutions were also published in 1908: Special Testimonies, Series B, No. 12, The Oakwood Manual Training School, An Appeal for Encouragement and Financial Aid. Special Testimonies, Series B. No. 12x, bears the title The Huntsville School, the Development and Maintenance of the Oakwood Manual Training School, Huntsville, Alabama, for the Education of Workers to Labor Among the Colored People, and Special Testimonies, Series B, No. 13, which bears the title, The New England Sanitarium, A Review of the Providences Connected With the Establishment of the Sanitarium at Melrose, Massachusetts, Near Boston. Special Testimonies, Series B, No. 14, is entitled, The Paradise Valley Sanitarium, A Record of the Providences that Led to Its Purchase; and Timely Instruction Regarding the Importance of Its Work. Not only are the articles from the pen of Ellen White, but the introduction was written by her, and she closes with these words: STSB 6.8

“For years the work in southern California has needed help, and we now call upon our brethren and sisters who have means to spare to put it into circulation, that we may use to the very best advantage the places so well suited for our work.”