Special Testimonies, Series B


Series B, No. 2

In the year 1904, as the crisis developed and became more acute, Ellen White assembled a group of ten communications which were published in a pamphlet of 64 pages. This was called Series B, No. 2, Letters to Physicians and Ministers. While this did not bear the title of Special Testimonies on its cover, it is clear that it falls into that group, for we find this significant note on a slip of paper pasted in the pamphlet and signed by the General Conference Committee: STSB 3.3

“Washington, D. C., August 18, 1904. Dear Friend: This copy of Letters to Physicians and Ministers, No. 2, which is herewith mailed to you, is sent out with the hope that it will be read and prayerfully studied by you, with [the] sincere desire that it may be a savor of life unto life to yourself and to others.

“These Letters are not intended for general circulation, nor for public use. Read it for your own instruction. Study it for yourself. Seek to understand the principles involved. Study it in the light of the love of Jesus Christ for every sinful mortal who is seeking for perfection. In reading the reproofs, remember that ‘whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom He receiveth. If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons, for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not.’—General Conference Committee.”

The delicateness of the situation is indicated by the tenor of this note. The crisis was a very real one. As Ellen White said, “The battle is on.” The fallacies of pantheism and the danger of calling a large number of our people to Battle Creek with its influences, are clearly set forth in this pamphlet. STSB 4.1