Exhibits Relating to the Writing of The Desire of Ages
Exhibit 14—Sabbath, April 8, 1876, Oakland, California, Ellen White to James White
Dear Husband: ... In regard to publishing my book here, what do you think of it? The manuscript could at once be put in the hands of the printers. Will you please inform us in reference to this. ERWDA 12.3
I have liberty in writing and I plead with God daily for counsel and that I may be imbued with His Spirit. I then believe that I shall have help and strength and grace to do the will of God. ERWDA 12.4
I am glad you are so free and happy. I never had such an opportunity to write in my life and I mean to make the most of it.... ERWDA 12.5
How will it do to read my manuscript to Elders Waggoner and Loughborough? If there is any wording of doctrinal points not so clear as might be, he might discern it. (W. I mean.) ERWDA 12.6
—Letter 4a, 1876, pp. 1, 2.