Exhibits Relating to the Writing of The Desire of Ages


Exhibit 70—1897-98 Working Papers for The Desire of Ages

[Due to the lack of adequate space in the White Estate vault in Washington, D.C., a number of old White Estate documents and books have been stored for several years in boxes in nearby buildings where they have not been readily accessible. The recent allocation of additional space to the White Estate has made possible the opening of these boxes. ERWDA 34.3

On May 16, 1979, James Nix found, in one of these storage boxes, part of the working papers used in the preparation of The Desire of Ages in Ellen White’s office in Cooranbong, Australia, in 1897 and 1898. These papers comprise chapters 2 to 37 (pages 27 to 358) of the present book. The working papers are of special interest as they show what apparently were, in large measure at least, the final revisions made in the manuscript before it was sent from Australia to the Pacific Press. ERWDA 34.4

The next three exhibits are xerox reproductions made from these Desire of Ages working papers. They include portions of pages 80-81, 98-99, and 331-332. The very legible handwriting on the first two pages has been tentatively identified as belonging to Maggie Hare, while the less legible handwriting on the third page is that of Marian Davis.] ERWDA 34.5


