Exhibits Relating to the Writing of The Desire of Ages

Exhibit 30—Thursday, November 30, 1876, Review and Herald Announcement

The Review and Herald.


Battle Creek, Mich., Fifth-Day, Nov. 30, 1876.

Spirit of Prophecy, Vol. II.

We are prepared to speak of this volume, now just issued, as the most remarkable volume that has ever issued from this Office. It covers that portion of the great controversy between Christ and Satan, which is included in the life and mission, teachings and miracles, of Christ here upon the earth. Many have endeavored to write the life of Christ; but their work, as compared with this, seem to be only like the outer garments to the body. Here we have, so to speak, an interior view of the wonderful work of God during this time. And if the reader has a heart that can be impressed, feelings that can be stirred, an imagination that can respond to the most vivid portraiture of the most thrilling scenes, and a spirit to drink in lessons of purity, faith, and love from Christ’s divine example, he will find in this volume that which will call into liveliest play all these faculties. But the best of all is the lasting impression it must make for good upon all who read. It should have an unlimited circulation. Post-paid, by mail, as per previous notions, $1.00. U. S. ERWDA 20.1

CHAPTER I. The First Advent of Christ9
CHAPTER II. The Life of Christ30
CHAPTER III. Life and Mission of John41
CHAPTER IV. The Mission of Christ58
CHAPTER V. The Death of John74
CHAPTER VI. Temptation of Christ86
CHAPTER VII. The Marriage at Cana98
CHAPTER VIII. Cleansing the Temple115
CHAPTER IX. Nicodemus comes to Christ124
CHAPTER X. The Woman of Samaria140
CHAPTER XI. The Centurion’s Son151
CHAPTER XII. Jesus at Bethesda156
CHAPTER XIII. Jesus at Capernaum173
CHAPTER XIV. Choosing the Disciples182
CHAPTER XV. The Sabbath193
CHAPTER XVI. Sermon of the Mount200
CHAPTER XVII. The Leper Healed225
CHAPTER XVIII. Parable of the Sower282
CHAPTER XIX. Other Parables242
CHAPTER XX. The Loaves and Fishes258
CHAPTER XXI. Walking on the Water267
CHAPTER XXII. Christ in the Synagogue274
CHAPTER XXIII. The Paralytic292
CHAPTER XXIV. Woman of Canaan301
CHAPTER XXV. Christ Stills the Tempest305
CHAPTER XXVI. Men from the Tombs311
CHAPTER XXVII. Jairus’ Daughter318
CHAPTER XXVIII. The Transfiguration324
CHAPTER XXIX. Feast of Tabernacles337
CHAPTER XXX. Go and Sin no More349
CHAPTER XXXI. Resurrection of Lazarus358
CHAPTER XXXII. Mary’s Offering372
CHAPTER XXXIII. Riding into Jerusalem382