Exhibits Relating to the Writing of The Desire of Ages
Exhibit 1—Sabbath and Sunday, March 13-14, 1858, The Whites at Lovett’s Grove, Ohio
The Review and Herald
“Sanctify them through thy truth; thy word is truth.”
Battle Creek fifth-day, Maranatha, 25, 1858
March 13th and 14th we enjoyed freedom with the young church at Lovett’s Grove. Bro. Holt’s labors have been greatly blessed in this place. He thinks about forty are keeping the Sabbath in this place. A few weeks since there were none. We enjoyed great freedom with these brethren. On First-day God manifested his power in a wonderful manner before the crowded assembly. Several decided to keep the Lord’s Sabbath and go with the people of God. We feel much indebted to Bro. and Sr. Tillotson who were with us two weeks and conveyed us comfortably with their carriage all the way from where we left the rail road at Green Spring, till we found it again at Freemont where we took the cars for home. ERWDA 10.2
—James White, p. 149.