Spirit of Prophecy Counsels Relating To Church-State Relationships
Not To Become Absorbed In Politics
God has warned His people not to become absorbed in politics. We cannot bear the sign of God as His commandment-keeping people, if we mingle with the strife of the world. We are not to give our minds to political issues. God’s people are walking contrary to His will when they mix up with politics, and those who commence this work in the Southern states reveal that they are not taught and led by God, but by that spirit which creates contention and strife and every evil work. We are subjects of the Lord’s kingdom, and we are to work to establish that kingdom in righteousness.—Letter 92, 1899. SPCCSR 112.1
Neither you nor any of your brethren had any work to do in arguing or writing or taking any part whatever in politics. 2 God was dishonored by all who acted any part in politics. SPCCSR 112.2
God has chosen a people who are to proclaim the third angel’s message to the world. They are to be a separate and peculiar people in this world of churches who are transgressing His commandments.... SPCCSR 112.3
The Lord would have His people a separate and peculiar people, bearing the sign and seal of the Sabbath, in preserving the memorial, the seventh day, upon which the Lord rested after His work of creation.... SPCCSR 112.4
The redemption of men draws them away from political strife to rest and peace and quietude in God.—Letter 11, 1897. SPCCSR 112.5
Gospel ministers are to keep their office free from all things secular or political, employing all their time and talents in lines of Christian effort.—Testimonies for the Church 7:252. SPCCSR 113.1
The Lord has been greatly dishonored by His people catching up the issues that arise in this time of test and trial. His people are to keep free from politics. They are to stand as a separate, peculiar people; the name of God our Ruler is to be in their foreheads, showing to all that He is their sovereign.—Manuscript 1, 1897. SPCCSR 113.2
If anyone shall seek to draw the workers into debate or controversy on political or other questions, take no heed to either persuasion or challenge.—Testimonies for the Church 6:122. SPCCSR 113.3