Spirit of Prophecy Counsels Relating To Church-State Relationships

Laws Of Earthly Governments Should Be In Harmony With Law Of Jehovah

God would have the rulers of the nations know that He is the Supreme Ruler. Those who preside over the affairs of nations should realize that there is a King of kings. The man who does not know God as his Father, and Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of the infinite God, can not rule wisely. He who has been placed where he has authority over others should seek the Lord for wisdom, that he may govern wisely the subjects of God’s kingdom. An earthly ruler can not exercise authority wisely or set an example that is safe to follow, unless he obtains wisdom from the God who is too wise to err and too good to do injustice to His human subjects. SPCCSR 7.2

In the law of the kingdom of God who rules the sinless inhabitants of heaven are to be found the principles that should lie at the foundation of the laws of earthly governments. The laws of these governments should be in harmony with the law of Jehovah, the standard by which all created beings are to be judged. No man should be forced to act in harmony with human laws that are in direct opposition to the law that God has given.—E. G. White Letter 187, 1903, p. 5. SPCCSR 8.1