Spirit of Prophecy Counsels Relating To Church-State Relationships


Light Given Concerning The Draft

(From an E. G. White letter written Dec. 8, 1886, to G. I. Butler and S. N. Haskell)

“You inquire in regard to the course which should be pursued to secure the rights of our people to worship according to the dictates of our own conscience. This has been a burden of my soul for some time, whether it would be a denial of our faith and an evidence that our trust was not fully in God. But I call to mind many things God has shown me in the past in regard to things of a similar character, as the draft and other things. I can speak in the fear of God, it is right we should use every power we can to avert the pressure that is being brought to bear upon our people.”—Letter 55, 1886. Published in Selected Messages 2:334, 335. SPCCSR 191.1