Variation and Frequency of the Ellen G. White Visions

Vision While Totally Conscious

While in Sydney, Australia for a few days in 1896 a very unique experience came to Ellen White in which a vision was given to her while fully conscious. It involved her dealings with one of her literary assistants, Fannie Bolton. Ellen White wrote of the experience: VFEGWV 7.6

Friday, March 19, I arose early, about half—past three o’clock in the morning. While writing upon the fifteenth chapter of John, suddenly a wonderful peace came upon me. The whole room seemed to be filled with the atmosphere of heaven. A holy, sacred presence seemed to be in my room. I laid down my pen and was in a waiting attitude to see what the Spirit would say unto me. I saw no person. I heard no audible voice, but a heavenly Watcher seemed close beside me; I felt that I was in the presence of Jesus.

The sweet peace and light which seemed to be in my room, it is impossible for me to explain or describe. A sacred, holy atmosphere surrounded me, and there was presented to my mind and understanding matters of intense interest and importance. A line of action was laid out before me as if the unseen Presence was speaking with me. The matter I had been writing upon seemed to be lost to my mind and another matter distinctly opened before me. A great awe seemed to be upon me as matters were imprinted upon my mind.

The question was, “What have you done with the request of Fannie Bolton? You have not erred in disconnecting with her. This was the right thing for you to do, and this would bring to her mind conviction and remorse which she must have. She has been tempted, deceived, and almost destroyed. Notwithstanding her perversity of spirit, I have thoughts of mercy and compassion for her....

“Take this poor deluded soul by the hand, surround her with a favorable influence if possible. If she separates now from you, Satan’s net is prepared for her feet.... I am her Redeemer. I will restore her if she will not exalt and honor and glorify herself. If she goes from you now, there is a chain of circumstances which will bring her into difficulties which will be for her ruin.”...

I shall act accordingly. I have taken Fannie to my home here at Sunnyside.... I shall do all I can to help her heavenward.—Ms 12c, 1896.

Thus we find that, as recorded in Hebrews 1:1 concerning visions given to His prophets, whether of old or to Ellen White, God “at sundry times and in diverse manners spake.” VFEGWV 8.1

Washington, D. C.
April 5, 1982