Hermeneutics Interpreting a 19th-Century Prophet in the Space Age


Chapter 3—An Integrated Model for Hermeneutical Application

Now that we have examined Jemison’s three principles of hermeneutics, and applied them in selected instances, let us try to bring what we have learned together and apply it in a case study or two. HIPSA 16.4

An itinerant evangelist of the Church of Christ came to Napa, California, where he placed a large advertisement in the local newspaper promising to destroy the doctrines of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in a presentation one Thursday night, and to demolish their prophet for an encore the following week. I attended both sessions. In the second session he “proved” the Seventh-day Adventist Church was a false church because it was founded by a woman who defied the teachings of the Apostle Paul forbidding women to speak in Christian churches! HIPSA 16.5

Well, how do we handle such issues? Let us apply the three principles of hermeneutics we have just learned in a case study: HIPSA 16.6