The “Shut Door” Documents
Chapter 83—Late 1851
James White: Many Converts Had No Experience in the Millerite Movement.
Jan. 31st, and Feb. 1st we spent with the brethren in the vicinity of Pitcher, Bro. Baker went to Rochester. We were happily disappointed in finding so large a company of Sabbath-keepers in that vicinity. God has done much for his dear people there within a few months. We hope they will seek earnestly to be fully consecrated to God and his cause, and to be in possession of living, active faith. SDD 55.3
Monday night, Feb. 2d, we stopped with Bro. E. D. Cook, of Manlius. We found Bro. and Sr. Cook, wholehearted in the present truth, and had a very interesting interview with them. They wish the brethren to call on them more frequently. Tuesday morning, after having a sweet, weeping season of prayer with them and their children, we left for Oswego. There the brethren are rising, and the Lord is adding to their numbers. We trust they will dwell more on the glories of the kingdom for the future, and less on petty trials. Those who have recently embraced the Sabbath in that city are very decided. We became very much attached to them. SDD 55.4
Feb. 7th and 8th we were with the brethren in the vicinity of Lorain. Here the Lord has raised up quite a large company of Sabbath-keepers within a few months, many of whom had but little or no experience in the advent movement. They seem decided, and were much comforted as we presented the reasons of our faith and hope. We hope to be able to visit them again in a few months, and tarry longer with them.—The Review and Herald, February 17, 1852, p. 94. SDD 55.5