The “Shut Door” Documents
Chapter 82—September 2, 1851
James White: Some Who Were Never With the Millerite Movement Are Now Joining Us.
We do not say that the “everlasting gospel” has ceased to have effect upon all, for some are now embracing the doctrine of the speedy coming of the Lord, who have not been identified with the Advent people in the past movements. But that the burden of the message of the first angel is in the past, let the facts in the case testify. We have only to compare the present state of the Advent cause with the past, say from 1840 to 1844, to see that the special flight and proclamation of the first angel is in the past. Neither do we say that the message of the second angel, setting forth the fallen state of the various sects, with the call to leave them, cannot now be obeyed by those honest children of the Lord who find themselves bound by sectarian creeds.—The Review and Herald, September 2, 1851, p. 20. SDD 55.2