The “Shut Door” Documents

Chapter 7—December, 1844

Ellen White Declared That Her First Vision Led Her Away From the Position That the Door of Mercy Was Closed for the Whole World.

In her 1883 memory statement Ellen White said: SDD 5.3

For a time after the disappointment in 1844, I did hold, in common with the advent body, that the door of mercy was then forever closed to the world. This position was taken before my first vision was given me. It was the light given me of God that corrected our error, and enabled us to see the true position.—Selected Messages 1:63.

Ellen White appears to be saying that she immediately adopted “the true position” after receiving her first vision. However, such an interpretation of her words does not seem to be in harmony with other documents of the time, especially Otis Nichols’ letter to William Miller. (See entry No. 24.) SDD 5.4

It seems more likely that Ellen’s first vision confirmed the validity of the 1844 experience and, with subsequent visions, led her gradually to the realization that, while the door of mercy had indeed closed for some on October 22, it had not closed for all. At first she was struck with the fact that there was no more hope for the “wicked world” or for those who denied God’s leading in the Millerite movement. As the years passed she was evidently more and more impressed by that part of her vision which mentioned the 144,000 who were yet to be gathered out of the world before the Lord’s return. What was intended to underscore divine leadership in the Millerite movement and to portray a large ingathering of souls was at first misinterpreted to mean that her work for the world was done. SDD 5.5

That seventeen-year-old Ellen should misinterpret one of her visions should elicit no surprise when one remembers that the Bible prophets found it necessary to study their own writings in the endeavor to find out what their prophecies meant (1 Peter 1:10, 11). At one time the apostle Peter mistakenly believed in a shut door. In fact, he thought that, as far as the Gentiles were concerned, the door of mercy had never been open. Somehow he misinterpreted Isaiah 56:6-8, as well as Christ’s command recorded in Matthew 28:19 and Acts 1:8. Eventually, in the vision at Cornelius’ house (Acts 10), Peter discovered “the true position.” SDD 6.1

Concerning her own experience, Ellen White wrote: SDD 6.2

Often representations are given me which at first I do not understand. But after a time they are made plain by a repeated presentation of those things that I did not at first comprehend, in ways that make their meaning clear and unmistakable.—Selected Messages 3:56.

For 60 years I have been in communication with heavenly messengers, and I have been constantly learning in reference to divine things.—Letter 86, 1906; This Day With God, 76.