The “Shut Door” Documents
Chapter 58—July 21, 1850
James White: Converts Are Coming Into the Truth and the Cause Moves On.
Dear Brother: I will pen a few lines only. I expect to get out a full account of our tour East in a week or so. I will here say that I saw tenfold more accomplished than I looked for in Vermont and Canada East. Elder Hollis is now in the field with all the armor on. So is Elder Lothrop of Eaton, Canada East. God is making His truth mighty. The Lord has shown Ellen that I must publish the testimonies of those who acknowledged the work done and the advent move of God after 1844. Now this is my first work. I expect to get out a paper called the Advent Review, 16 pages, the size of the Present Truth. I shall, if I have means, put in a slice of Cook’s Testimony and the Way Marks, etc. The cause calls for it. I hope to get out six numbers; 3000 copies each will cost $250. I shall move as the means come in. In looking over these testimonies from Miller, Brown, Fassett, Shipman, Porter, Hale, Cook, etc., I am astonished to see how they preached a shut door. My way is onward. Men of Israel, Help. Now is the time to work for God. For your encouragement I will state one case where the papers did much good. Someone requested me to send the paper to Betsey Benson. I sent two copies. She read one and sent the other to Sister Thomas. Both came into the truth. At the Johnson, Vt., Conference, Sister Thomas gave me $25 to publish with. So you see the cause will move on.—James White Letter of July 21, 1850 (written at East Hampton, N.Y.), White Estate Correspondence File. SDD 42.1