The “Shut Door” Documents
Our Tour East
We left Oswego May 15, in company with Brother Rhodes, to visit some of the little flock in the east. At Topsham, Me., we found most of our brethren, where we always expect to find them, strong in the faith. That little company have been sorely tried. Apostate Adventists have done all in their power, by flattery, and then by ridicule, to overthrow them, but they still remain established beyond all doubt, that the great leading movements in our advent experience, so clearly marked in the parable [Matthew 25:1-11] were fulfillments of prophecy, and the work of God. They are keeping the commandments of God, and have the faith of Jesus. Our interview with them was short, but sweet and profitable. SDD 39.2
At North Paris the brethren and sisters needed help. They had formerly embraced some errors, which they fully renounced at the Conference there last September. And now Satan was tempting some of them to doubt their past experience in 1843 and 1844. Sadness and gloom seemed to rest upon them, and they felt and expressed a great lack of spiritual life. But thank the Lord, a review of the way God has led his people revived them, and the Lord was with us in power. His refreshing, melting Spirit was poured upon us, and the atmosphere seemed as sweet as heaven. We left them all firm in the Sabbath and shut door, rejoicing in hope of soon being gathered, with all the little flock, from sorrow and toil, to the saints’ final repose. SDD 39.3
In Dorchester, Mass, at the house of Brother Nichols, we met with a few friends of the present truth. A conference being appointed for us to attend at Sutton, Vt., June 8, Brother Rhodes left us at Dorchester to attend it. It was a very profitable and interesting meeting. Some, who were not fully established, at that meeting yielded to plain scripture testimony, and are now rejoicing in the whole truth. SDD 39.4
At Fairhaven we found the brethren in a tried state; but the Lord was with us, praise his holy name. Confessions were made, order was somewhat restored, and on Sabbath, June 15, we had a melting, weeping, refreshing season. SDD 39.5
Some, who have wounded the precious cause in Fairhaven, have been “purged out from among them” as “rebels“: but God has raised up others to glorify his name, and do honor to his cause in that place. SDD 39.6
We next visited the house of our bereaved Brother Hastings of New-Ipswich, N. H. Sister Hastings, who has been a bold and consistent believer and advocate of the present truth for some years past, now sleeps in Jesus. She died February 28, 1850, of cramp colic, aged forty-two years. She embraced the Sabbath in 1846, and has ever believed that the work of warning the world closed in 1844. The unfinished letter from her pen, in this paper, was written a few days before she fell asleep. Her death has been the means of leading her dear children to Jesus: and on Sabbath, June 22, four of them were buried with Christ in baptism. Brother Hastings has sustained a great loss in having his dear companion torn from him by death, but the loss seems to be made up in having his children with him in the faith, and in the hope of soon seeing them with their dear mother in the kingdom. His cup is one of sorrow, mingled with joy. May the blessing of the Lord still rest on that dear family, is our prayer. There are other faithful souls in that vicinity, some of whom met with us on the Sabbath. SDD 39.7
June 29 and 30, we held meetings at the house of Brother Harvey Childs in Sutton, Vt. Brother Rhodes, who had been laboring with good success in Melbourne and Johnson, was again with us. The brethren in that vicinity came together. Elder N. A. Hollis, his wife and four children, all in the truth, were among the number. The word of the Lord had free course, and it was a very precious season. SDD 39.8
We formed a very happy acquaintance with Brother Morse and his family, who came into the truth last fall. They stated to us that Mr. Burnham, who has called on them since they embraced the Sabbath, after laboring without success to prove that the Sabbath was abolished, finally told them that if they would give it up, he would agree to stand between them and the Almighty in the day of judgment. But Brother and Sister Morse have concluded to “keep the commandments” for themselves, and be sure of a “right to the tree of life,” and to “enter in through the gates into the city.” They think it much more safe for them, than to violate the fourth commandment, and trust to Mr. Burnham for admission, and a right in the Holy City. SDD 39.9
At Melbourne, (C. E.) we had a joyful time. There is about twenty, within a few miles around, who are strong in the truth. Brother and Sister Lothrop of Eaton met with us. They are also strong in the truth. We had one meeting in Hatley, and had a precious interview with Elder Warren. We hope that he will soon be sounding the third angel’s message. There is a waking up to the present truth in Canada East, and we trust that the brethren there will be faithful, and patiently and perseveringly present the light to those who have an ear to hear. SDD 40.1
At Irasburg, Vt., we had a profitable meeting, and three of the devoted children of our dear Brother and Sister Barrows were baptized. SDD 40.2
July 6 and 7, we held a conference at Johnson, Vt. There were quite a number of the scattered brethren and sisters present. The brethren in Johnson and in other places in Vermont, have suffered greatly from the corrupt views and teachings of J. G. Bennett, John Libby, Noah Bailey, and others of the same stamp. Many in Vermont could not go with the “Advent Herald,” and they have been like sheep without a shepherd. In this deserted situation, they have been exposed to wolves in sheeps’ clothing, and have been, more or less, deceived by them. It is now very clearly seen that these persons, referred to above, have been acting a wicked and deceitful part, under the garb of what they call holiness, and what is falsely called “moral purity,” which some have thought was taught in Zechariah 12:12, 14; Exodus 19:15; Cor. 7:29; and Revelation 14:4. SDD 40.3
We were somewhat annoyed on the Sabbath, with the presence and foul spirit of some of the above named persons, who tried to bear a testimony to us; but being rebuked in the name of the Lord, they left us, and held a meeting on the first day in the school house. This was a great relief to us; and we enjoyed a refreshing season. Brothers Rhodes and Hollis were present with us. Brother Hollis walked thirty miles to the meeting on Friday, but the brethren at the conference provided him with a horse and wagon, and on Monday he started out to search out and “feed the flock of slaughter.” SDD 40.4
We left the brethren in that vicinity strong in the “commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.” One brother, who had not been in the advent, and had made no public profession of religion until 1845, came out clear and strong on the whole truth. He had never opposed the advent, and it is evident that the Lord had been leading him, though his experience had not been just like ours. Such, who come in to the truth at the eleventh hour, may expect great trials. SDD 40.5
At Waitsfield we had a very profitable meeting. The state of things there, and at Granville, is much improved, though some, we fear, are still under a sad influence. We hope that they will all see that God is now uniting his people, on the Third Angel’s Message, Revelation 14:9-12, and will all take hold, unitedly, to carry forward the work of the Lord. One year ago there were but very few in Vermont keeping the Sabbath, but God has blessed the faithful labors of brethren, who have valued the salvation of the remnant much more than their time, strength and property, and they now see the fruits of their efforts to spread the truth before their brethren. God is ready to bless the labors of those, who in their proper station in the church, will work for him. This should stimulate every one, who professes the present truth, to bear some part in this work. SDD 40.6
Sabbath, July 20, we met with the dear brethren at Hamilton, N. Y., and on the 22d, eleven were baptized. The Lord was with us.—James White, The Advent Review, vol. 1, no. 1 (August, 1850), pp. 14-15. SDD 40.7