The “Shut Door” Documents

Chapter 48—January 26, 1850

Ellen White: It Is Not Yet Too Late to Be Saved.

Last Sabbath evening the Lord gave me a view of many things, which I will now try to relate. I saw the people of God—some were dormant and stupid, they were but half awake, and did not realize the time we were living in. I saw that the man with the “dirt brush” had entered, and some were in danger of being swept away. I begged of Jesus to save them—to spare them a little longer, and to lift them up so that they could get a sight of their situation, before it should be forever too late. The angel said destruction is coming like a mighty whirlwind. I begged of the angel to pity to save those who were attached to their possessions, and were not willing to cut loose from them, and distribute them to speed the messengers on their way to feed the hungry sheep, who were dying for the want of spiritual food. SDD 35.1

I could hardly bear the sight of the sheep dying for the want of saving, present truth, while some who professed to believe the present truth, were holding on to their property, and were letting them die, by withholding the necessary means to carry forward the work of God. As it was held up before me the sight was too painful, and I begged of the angel to take it away, and remove the painful sight from me.... SDD 35.2

Then again was held up before me those who were not willing to sell their possessions, to save one fainting, starving soul; while Jesus stands before the Father pleading His blood, His sufferings and His death, for those souls, and while God’s servants were waiting, ready to carry them the saving truth that they might be sealed with the seal of the living God, and yet it was hard for some who profess to believe the present truth to even do so little as to hand the messengers God’s own money, that He had lent them to be stewards over.... SDD 35.3

While viewing these things, the burden seemed too heavy to be borne. I felt that I could have given my life, if it could be the means of helping any to see their awful situation.... I saw that there would be no chance to get ready after Jesus leaves the most holy place, therefore we must get right now, while there is a chance. Very soon it will be too late.—Ellen G. White Ms. 4, 1850, pp. 1-3 (written at Oswego, NY). See The Present Truth, vol. 1, no. 9 (April, 1850), pp. 71-72. SDD 35.4