The “Shut Door” Documents
Chapter 45—January 9, 1850
Ellen White: Without the Church Paper Some Might Lose Their Souls.
I saw the paper and that it was needed. That souls were hungry for the truth that must be written in the paper. I saw that if the paper stopped for want of means, and those hungry sheep died for want of the paper, it would not be James’ fault, but it would be the fault of those to whom God had lent His money to be faithful stewards over, and they let it lie idle; and the blood of souls would be upon their garments. I saw that the paper should go, and if they let it die, they would weep in anguish soon. I saw that God did not want James to stop yet, but he must write, write, write, write, and speed the message and let it go. I saw that it would go where God’s servants cannot go.—Ellen G. White Ms. 2, 1850 (written at Oswego, New York). SDD 34.1