The “Shut Door” Documents
Who Has Left The Sure Word?
We are often charged with following our experience, instead of the unerring word of God; but such a charge is unjust and untrue. It is true that we “hold fast” our holy advent experience in the past, which has so perfectly fulfilled prophecy; but in doing so, we do not neglect nor depart from the sure word. The Bible is our chart—our guide. It is our only rule of faith and practice, to which we would closely adhere. SDD 33.1
In order to show the fulfillment of Prophecy, we have to refer to history. To show the fulfillment of prophecy relating to the four universal kingdoms of the second and seventh chapters of Daniel, we have to refer to the history of those kingdoms. Deny the history, and the prophecy is of no use. Just so with the prophecies relating to the second advent movement. SDD 33.2
If we deny our holy experience in the great leading movements, in the past, such as the proclamation of the time in 1843 and 1844, then we cannot show a fulfillment of those prophecies relating to those movements. Therefore, those who deny their past experience, while following God and his holy word, deny or misapply a portion of the sure word. SDD 33.3
It is cruel and unjust to represent us as having abandoned the precious book of books—the Bible—to follow impressions, fancies, &c. when we have done no such thing, and when these very men that charge us thus leave or misapply a portion of the sure word. Once, the whole advent host believed that the parable of the ten virgins applied exclusively to the advent movement; and that the first going forth, in the parable, was fulfilled in us, as we came up to the first specified time; and that the cry in the parable, “Behold the bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him,” and the trimming of lamps, &c. were also fulfilled by us, as we gave the seventh month cry. We still believe what the whole host once believed; and with holy confidence and energy published and preached to the world. And strange to tell, many of those who have abandoned the fulfillment of prophecy in our past experience, are ready to brand us with fanaticism, and rank us with Shakers, &c. for believing what they once believed, and for carrying out and showing a consistent fulfillment of the parable, in all its parts, which shows that the door is shut. These men should be the last to oppose our views, and complain of a lack of charity on our part, when they, in such an unsparing manner, rank us with apostates for holding fast and carrying out what they once believed and boldly proclaimed. When we in 1843 sang, “My Bible leads to glory,” we sang a true sentiment. It did not stop in 1844, and “lead” us back around another way, no, no; but it led onward by the shut door, through the waiting time, and keeping of “the commandments of God,” into the kingdom. Glory to God, “My Bible leads to glory.” Amen. SDD 33.4
The truth, in answer to the question, “Who has left the sure word,” is that we closely adhere to the sure word of God, which plainly marks out our holy experience, and acknowledge the mighty work of God in calling out the advent people from the world and fallen church; while those who deny this work of God and their own experience have “left” those portions of the “sure word” which relate to the advent movement. While standing on the sure word, and acknowledging our holy experience, wrought in us by the living word of God, set home to our hearts by the mighty power of the Holy Ghost, and while keeping the commandments of God, we are safe—yes, we are safe.—James White, The Present Truth, vol. vol. 1, no. 6 (Dec. 1849), p. 46. SDD 33.5