The “Shut Door” Documents
Chapter 33—October 2, 1848
James White Equated the Shut Door With “The Work of God in Our Second Advent Experience.”
From Brunswick, Maine, James White wrote Brother and Sister Hastings on October 2, 1848, inviting them to attend the forthcoming conference at Topsham. He states: SDD 21.1
My chief object in writing to you now is to notify you that the “Outcasts” in Maine are to have a general meeting at the house of Brother S. Howland in Topsham, Maine. Our Conference is to commence October 20 and hold over the Sabbath and Sunday. In behalf of the brethren and sisters here I extend to you an invitation to come and meet with us. Brothers Bates, Gurney and Nichols are expected from Mass. The principal points on which we dwell as present truth are the seventh day Sabbath and Shut Door. In this we wish to honor God’s most holy institution and also acknowledge the work of God in our Second Advent experience.
We do not wish to shut out any new truth, or countenance any of the errors of this dark age. Our object is to do good. We wish to hold up truth and expose error. We would be happy to see any who are seeking for truth in sincerity and humility.
The cause in Maine seems feeble, but I know of no case of apostasy. All seem firm in faith.—White Estate Record Book No. 1, p. 24.
James White appears to be making the following points: SDD 21.2
1. The “shut door” message emphasizes the integrity of the Millerite movement of 1840-44 with its October 22, 1844 date. SDD 21.3
2. New converts, regardless of their religious background, would be welcome. SDD 21.4
3. Since apostasy is possible, the general close of probation for the whole world has not yet occurred. SDD 21.5
4. Belief in the shut door does not exclude new truth. SDD 21.6