The “Shut Door” Documents
Chapter 32—August 26, 1848
According to James White, Christ Had Left His Mediatorial Throne, and the Shut Door and Sabbath Were Present Truth.
Writing to Brother and Sister Hastings from Port Gibson, New York, on August 26, 1848, James White states: SDD 20.2
Friday p.m. the brethren came in to our meeting in Volney. There were 30 or 40 who met with us. Brother Bates preached the Sabbath to them with strong argument, much boldness and power. My principal message was on Matthew 25:1-11. The brethren are strong on the Sabbath and Shut Door. Most all confessed that they gained much strength from the meeting. Ellen had two visions at the meeting. She spoke to them with power to their comfort. It was thought best to have another Conference at this place [Port Gibson], 60 miles from Volney, to hold August 27 and 28. We hope to have a good time. On our way here we stopped at Brother Snow’s in Hannibal. In that place are eight or ten precious souls. Brother Bates, Brother and Sister Edson and Brother Simmons stopped all night with them. In the morning Ellen was taken off in vision and while she was in vision, all the brethren came in. It was a powerful time.
One of the number was not on the Sabbath, but was humble and good. Ellen rose up in vision, took the large Bible, held it up before the Lord, talked from it, then carried it to this humble brother who was not on the Sabbath and put it in his arms. He took it while tears were rolling down his bosom. Then Ellen came and sat down by me. She was in vision one and one-half hours in which time she did not breathe at all. It was an affecting time. All wept much for joy. We left Brother Bates with them and came to this place with Brother Edson. This is a dear family. God has blessed us here with them. Praise the Lord.... Here are they who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. Amen.
My Brother and Sister, here is the standard to rally around. Jesus has left His mediatorial throne. He is now claiming His new kingdom. Do you believe it? I hope you do. Well, this is the present “faith of Jesus.” So the shut door and the Sabbath are the present truth. These truths will form and keep up the same mark of distinction between us and unbelievers as God made in 1844.—White Estate Record Book No. 1, pp. 18-20.