The Fannie Bolton Story


Fannie Bolton to E. G. White, July 20, 1893

I sent you a bunch of M.S. divided into two parcels in the last American mail boat. The matter on Babylon Bro. White thought best to have go to the Review, so the first bunch was divided into four articles, and the last into three. The last was divided under different headings, as it would seem like an awful long stretch to put in articles for seven weeks under the heading of “The Remnant Church Not Babylon.” [See The Review and Herald, August 22-September 12, 1893 (Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, 32-62).] The omissions were made in harmony with Bro. White’s advice, and I tried my very best to stick tight to your expressions whenever it was possible. The M.S. I am preserving on all the articles so that if any question does arise I can refer to the original. I have not yet received the matter you spoke of sending for the Instructor. If you have written it, it would be well to send it on as I have used up every scrap, and can make no more Instructor articles till it comes. The Review and Signs are both over-supplied, so there is no hurry about them, but the Instructor is lacking, because of a lack of matter. Bro. White spoke as though he was sorry you had been urged to write for the Instructor. Dear Sr. White, I do not wish to urge you to write more than you are able to. Please act your own pleasure about this matter, although I would be glad to have your pleasure in harmony with my desires. FBS 14.4